The 2025 One Planet Peace Forum
will be held
September 26 - 28
in Eliot, Maine
and Online
Check Back Soon for
Details and Registration Information
~ A Call for Peace ~
The current ongoing tragic conflicts greatly impact the future of the Holy Land and the world. Reconciliation among all peoples involved must be foremost in the minds and hearts of all - for the good of the land, the good of the people, and the good of the whole earth. Rather than furthering retaliation, of paramount importance needs to be reclaiming, preserving, and strengthening unity within and across all communities. We are all as closely related as 50th cousins. Unity is the only way to peace.
~ Robert Atkinson, founding director, One Planet Peace Forum
2024 Video Message
Sign up here for your free copy of “A Holistic Vision of Peace” and to receive notice of our upcoming events.
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Check here for the overview, program, speakers, photo gallery, and videos from 2023.
Watch the video replay here
of our 3rd Annual 2022
Watch the Video Replays Here
of the 2nd annual 2021 OPPF, the Overview Here,
the Speakers Here, and the full Program Here
Our 2nd Peace Chat, a powerful conversation with
Dr. Marty Casey, Kurt Johnson, and Antoinette Hall
on "Justice, Healing, Unity, and Peace"
is available Here!
One Planet Peace Forum began its series of short seasonal programs, called Peace Chats on March 25, 2021 in a virtual format.
A video of our 1st Peace Chat, weaving of the presence of peace, with Dot Maver, Mandy Kahn, and Michael Lindfield, with host Julie Krull is posted here.
Videos of the entire inaugural One Planet Peace Forum
held virtually September 25-27, 2020 are posted
One Planet Peace Forum offers a universal platform for an annual interdisciplinary, interspiritual gathering for living into a culture of peace.
• By integrating keynote speakers, panels, workshops, contemplative practice, and sacred performance, we create a safe place for relationship-building, collaboration, and compassion.
• By focusing on working groups and outcome-oriented action steps, to more deeply address the needs of our time, we build lasting bridges.
• By sharing and applying common principles, values, and tools, such as conflict resolution, truth telling, and reconciliation, we stand on common ground.
• By promoting interfaith and interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperative action, we seek solutions to humanity's most challenging issues, moving closer to global harmony and world peace.
Each of us depends on the well-being of the whole… we have respect for the community of living beings… and for the preservation of the Earth… We must treat others as we wish others to treat us… We consider humankind our family… We commit ourselves to a culture of non-violence, justice, and peace... to make a just and peaceful world, we must first change the consciousness of individuals…"
~ A Global Ethic,
The Declaration of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, 1993
Funded by a generous grant from URI, One Planet Peace Forum is an annual gathering offering… READ MORE…
OPPF 2023
With the theme, “Foundations of Global Harmony & Planetary Peace,” 2023's in-person event explored several inquiries covering subjects from race amity, inner harmony, and to truth telling … READ MORE…
This collaborative effort is made possible by many partners, including URI, the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Unity Earth, the Interspiritual Network, the Source of Synergy Foundation… READ MORE…
One Planet Peace Forum is a non-profit charitable organization, and all contributions are fully tax deductible. Our annual gathering and social media activities are supported by donations. Please use the “donate” button to contribute to the support of OPPF activities.